Sleep disturbances. Insomnia

In a person’s daily life, two main periods can be distinguished: sleep and wakefulness, which are determined by biological rhythms. The main function of sleep is to maintain and restore the normal functioning of the body. In ideal conditions, energy potential and mental functions are fully restored during sleep, which allows you to live comfortably and do your daily activities. But, unfortunately, in modern conditions, to maintain “normal” functioning requires more and more energy and often one person is forced to do more work than before, or a dynamically developing business requires more knowledge. According to foreign researchers, such a problem as insomnia has recently affected more than 50% of the inhabitants of megacities.

What you need to do so that insomnia does not spoil your life:
Don’t worry about insomnia. One night without sleep will not affect the quality of your normal work, study, etc. When you go to bed, try not to tune yourself into thoughts of insomnia.
Don’t “force” yourself to sleep. If you can’t sleep, spend this time profitably instead of worrying about insomnia.
Maintain regular physical activity until 8 pm (exercise, walk). But, 1-1.5 hours before bedtime, you need to calm down and spend this time in a pleasant environment.
Avoid coffee, tonic drinks, alcohol, cigarettes in the afternoon (or 6-8 hours before bedtime). Don’t go to bed hungry or after a hearty meal. If you feel hungry, you can eat some fruit.
Set a specific sleep pattern. This is important for accurate adherence to biological rhythms. It is necessary to wake up at the same time, regardless of weekdays or weekends, or the duration of sleep.
Reduce your sleep time to 6-7 hours. This will improve its quality and depth.
Don’t solve problems before bed. It is better to transfer them to the morning.
Choose a certain “habit” before bed (like taking a warm bath or listening to pleasant music) and do it daily.
It should also be remembered that the quality and duration of sleep also depends on the conditions in which you sleep. The bed should be as comfortable as possible, but at the same time tough. Use orthopedic pillows and mattresses. The room where you sleep should have a comfortable temperature, there should be no extraneous noise, bright light, unpleasant and strong odors. The definition of the most adaptive variant of awakening is associated with the concept of sleep hygiene.

Basic rules to help you set yourself up for productive work:
Nice music or sounds of nature in the alarm clock
Take a few deep breaths while lying in bed.
Stretch. If you don’t feel like it, do it on purpose.
Don’t think bad or tune in to negative thoughts.
Do some exercise after getting out of bed (exercise)
Prepare breakfast the night before. Also, in the evening, collect all the things and documents you need. Leave more time for calm in the morning.
If you are a coffee lover, then you need to know the following about this drink. The caffeine content in a cup depends on many parameters, but its effect is always the same: psychostimulant. That is, coffee has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, mainly on the cerebral cortex, respiratory and vasomotor centers, increases mental and physical performance, reduces drowsiness, fatigue, has a pronounced effect on the cardiovascular system (increases the strength and frequency of heart contractions, increases BP with hypotension), increases the secretion of the glands of the stomach. The average recommended daily intake of caffeine is about 300-500 mg (about 2-4 Americanos in cups).

Accordingly, with an increase in the dose, side effects naturally appear: sleep disturbance, agitation, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure. It should also be noted the formation of dependence on caffeine with the onset of withdrawal syndrome.

The difference in health effects is also determined by the type, quality and method of preparation of coffee. For example, using a paper filter allows you to adsorb fatty acids in coffee and prevent them from entering the body (which reduces the risk of coronary heart disease). The use of low-grade beans or instant coffee is dangerous for liver and gastrointestinal tract damage.

Insomnia accompanies many diseases (mental or physical). If observing sleep hygiene does not help you, you need to seek help from a doctor. Currently, many specialists are involved in sleep disorders, but before starting any treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination (clinical and biochemical blood tests, general urine analysis, ECG, electroencephalogram). Consultations of a neurologist, a therapist are obligatory.

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