
Sunstroke – overheating of the brain. Heatstroke is general overheating of the body. The reasons may be hard physical work in clothes that restrict movement, in a stuffy, poorly ventilated, damp room; violation of food and drinking regime in conditions of high ambient temperatures.It appears after 2-10 hours after prolonged exposure to the sun. Sunstroke and heatstroke have similar manifestations. Initially, there is weakness, headache, dizziness, pain in the legs and back, vomiting, tinnitus, darkening in the eyes, feeling short of breath, palpitations, severe painful feeling of thirst. Then the victim’s face turns blue, the respiration rate increases sharply to 60-70 breaths / exhalations per minute, the person loses consciousness; convulsions, delirium may occur. The body temperature rises to 41-42 ° C. Following this, respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest may occur.

Giving help
Move the victim to a cool place. The victim should be immediately transferred to a cool place where the temperature is 5-6 ° C lower, unbuttoned clothing holding back breathing and put down, slightly raising his head.
Cool the head and the area of ​​large arteries. It is necessary to overlay with cold lotions or wrap a wet sheet over the body, on the head and the area of ​​large arteries (neck area, elbow and popliteal areas) put a cloth soaked in cold water, periodically changing it.
Give it to drink with cool sweet drinks with a small addition of salt, give a smell of ammonia. Give the victim a large amount (2-3 liters) of cool water (preferably mineral) with added sugar and on the tip of a teaspoon of salt; give a tincture of lily of the valley (20-50 drops). Smell ammonia. This procedure is performed as follows: a piece of cotton wool is moistened with 1-2 drops of ammonia and for some time (no more than 1-1.5 minutes) they hold the victim in front of the victim’s nose at a distance of 5-10 cm.
If breathing stops, it is necessary to immediately start artificial ventilation of the lungs using the “mouth-to-mouth” method. If breathing stops, but cardiac activity is preserved, it is necessary to immediately start artificial ventilation using the mouth-to-mouth method. If there is no breathing and heartbeat, resuscitation is started in full.
Urgently deliver the victim to the hospital. The victim must be taken to the hospital, regardless of the severity of the condition, in the supine position for additional treatment aimed at preventing the development of lesions of the central nervous system.
Precautionary measures
You can not put the victim in a very cold place and drink very cold drinks.
Delay in going to the doctor is unacceptable, the earlier treatment is started, the better the prognosis.

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